Saturday, September 12, 2009

Keep it 100: "Let's Have a Tea Party!"

When I first looked at these tea parties making there rounds around the US my heart sunk. People calling Obama a Nazi, people enraged to the the point they can no longer control themselves. This is the flame to a very racist Americas tick, or is it?
One of the main reasons why I am angry is that these kinds of rallies against George W. Bush were stopped and people were arrested. Or was it simply not enough people speaking out in public about bush. How big of a roll is the media playing to perpetuate lies on the health care reform? Where was all the public outcry when the Patriot act took away our privacy, or when the war in Iraq began to cost trillions. I'm angry for not starting a national cookout to discuss how FEMA fucked over the people in New Orleans. People are sick and it all boils down to racism.

This is the beginning of a battle between race and class that can only further damaged an already delicate nation. 2 years ago my sociology teach said we would have a black or female president to be used as a scapegoat. He was right. People are so easy to fall for the bait. We need to wake up and talk to each other, all people. How can you be so blind, how come it took you all so long to speak up. Did you forget the $4 trillion deficit Bush left Obama to fix? Help me understand what a president who has been in office is supposed to do, when every decision he makes faces extreme opposition? There has never been a lack of disrespect shown to a president and his judgment. Do you really want him to flex his power? All that he has to do is say the right things to the right people and the tea parties would be shut down.

As a young American in the work force, the plan for HealthCare sounds pleasing. I work hard everyday and pay taxes but when i go to the hospital I get a $5,000 bill, but someone who has never payed a dime to this country can get free health care. Excuse me but is this Bizzaro world? What part of the game is that. Do you think this is fair? Why do I have to feel like I'm wrong for being a natural born citizen?

Look, everyone has their opinion and i believe in freedom of speech but learn the facts before you lie to people with the hate of your heart. My hope is that we will teach one another respect and tolorence (though i hate this use of the word.)

This is K7 and You know I can't help but to "Keep it 100"

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


New music from 3 Kali KIngz (Well 2 of em) This is a sneek peak from our album. No Gravity (Produced by Soane Beatz & Krysis-7)